Integrative Physiotherapy & Wellness

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7 Tips to Make Snow Shovelling Easier…


Often the need for shovelling snow arises unexpectedly and interferes with what we had originally planned to do. Consequently, we face this unwanted chore unprepared and, more important, in a hurry to get it over with as fast as possible. If we are not careful, we could experience cold exposure, fatigue, muscular strains and more serious injury, particularly to the lower back. Where possible, it is more practical to shovel early and often. Fresh dry snow is lighter and therefore more manageable than wet, heavily packed, or partly melted snow.


The important features of a snow shovel.  The shovel should be lightweight, but sturdy.  The handle should reach your chest to reduce the amount of forward bending.  Shafts with a bend, rather than straight may be easier on your lower back.  The handle type should be in a D shape, be sure the handle type does not force your wrist into an awkward position.  Opt for a smaller blade shovel (about 10-14 inches)to decrease the weight that is lifted, therefore reducing the risk of injury.


When shovelling snow, many homeowners start at the top of the driveway and work their way down. The problem with this technique is that the closer you get to the base of your driveway, the heavier your shovel will become and heavy shovels lead to an increased risk of injury. For a lighter load, shovel from the centre of your driveway and work your way out. 


Snow shovelling is a common cause of winter injury, but it doesn't have to be that way. Many injuries occur simply because the person did not shovel properly. To prevent injury, keep your shovel close to your body. This will prevent overreaching, which causes undue strain on your arms, shoulders, and back.  


Dress warmly!  The cold temperatures can get to you quickly.  Layer with as many warm clothes, staying warm is incredibly important to avoid hypothermia and other freeze-related complications.


According to the National Safety Council, there are approximately 100 deaths and over 11,000 injuries every year due to improper shovelling.  Heart attacks are quite common with snow shovelling.  For an individual that is not used to exercising or that is physically fit, it can make them more at risk for a heart attack.  If you are someone with a history of heart disease or high blood pressure, proper snow shovelling techniques are crucial.


A snow blower can be incredibly useful under certain conditions. Snow blowers are a heavy-duty way of clearing a lot of snow quickly. 


  • Work at a steady pace

  • Push the snow rather than lift it

  • If you must throw, take only as much snow as you can easily lift

  • Turn your feet in the direction you are throwing it

  • Don’t twist at the waist

  • Don’t throw snow over your shoulder or to the side

Take your time, snow shovelling is comparable to weightlifting, while walking and wearing heavy clothing.  Take frequent breaks and drink warm fluids (non-alcoholic).


How Our Physiotherapists Can Help Your Pain?..

Physiotherapists are specialists in human movement, with the goal to help you move well and keep you active.  Physiotherapy is commonly used to treat and manage pain, both acute and chronic to improve the overall quality of life.  Physiotherapists use a variety of techniques to help treat pain, such as manual therapy, movement and exercises, acupuncture, and dry needling.  

Written by: Lindsay Atwell. Clinical Care Coordinator

Integrative Physiotherapy is a Barrie-based clinic that believes in a one-on-one patient-centred, manual therapy (hands-on) approach to physiotherapy. We aim to empower our patients by providing quality care that is personalized to each patient in an interactive and friendly manner. Through the use of the best available treatment techniques, we aim to provide exceptional care so that each patient feels engaged and motivated.

Our therapists are continually upgrading their skills and taking time to provide comprehensive assessment and treatment techniques that are always one on one without the use of assistants or double booking patients to make sure that you achieve your functional and sports goals as soon as possible.  

Our therapists would be happy to help you to achieve your goals, get in touch to schedule your appointment.  Don’t let pain ruin your day!



Integrative Physiotherapy, Empowering Patients with Personalized Care.