How can a fractured clavicle affect your shoulder mobility?

A fractured clavicle, also known as a broken collarbone, can have a significant impact on shoulder mobility. The clavicle is a key bone that connects the arm to the body, and its proper function is crucial for overall upper body movement. We'll explore how a fractured clavicle can affect shoulder mobility and discuss the road to recovery.

Limited Range of Motion: Immobilization of a fractured clavicle can lead to stiffness and reduced range of motion in the shoulder joint.

Pain and Discomfort: The healing process can cause pain and discomfort, making it difficult to move your shoulder easily.

Muscle Weakness: Reduced use of the shoulder muscle due to it being immobilized can lead to muscle weakness.

Asymmetry: A fractured clavicle can cause the shoulders to look like they are uneven or even imbalanced.

A fractured clavicle can indeed affect your shoulder mobility, but with proper care, medical attention, and Physiotherapy, most individuals can regain their shoulder function. Understanding the impact of such fractures and being proactive about recovery can help you navigate the challenges and ensure a smoother road to restored shoulder mobility.

At Integrative Physiotherapy our Registered Physiotherapist will complete a detailed assessment and work with you on a treatment plan to help you regain function.

Written By: Kaitlin Murphy. Integrative Care Coordinator.

Integrative Physiotherapy, Empowering Patients with Personalized Care.

Integrative Physiotherapy is a Barrie-based clinic that believes in a one-on-one patient-centered, manual therapy (hands-on) approach to physiotherapy. We aim to empower our patients by providing quality care that is personalized to each patient in an interactive and friendly manner. Through the use of the best available treatment techniques, we aim to provide exceptional care so that each patient feels engaged and motivated.

Our therapists are continually upgrading their skills and taking time to provide comprehensive assessment and treatment techniques that are always one-on-one without the use of assistants or double booking patients to make sure that you achieve your functional and sports goals as soon as possible.

Our therapists would be happy to help you to achieve your goals, get in touch to schedule your appointment. Don’t let pain ruin your day!




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